10. Spiderman 2 Genre - Action-Fantasy Notable Cast - Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Alfred Molina Synopsis - Peter Parker tries to quit in an effort to enhance his education and love life, but a mad man is created and intent on destroying the city. What I think - Might be my favorite superhero movie of all time. I love everything from the action(especially the train sequence) to the stakes to the ending. Sets up the third movie in a great way. Molina brings it. The aunt is really annoying in this movie. Harry acts very unnatural, not in a good way. Interesting fact - Highest one day opening, 5th highest grossing of all time, 2nd widest release of all time. How much did this movie make - 9 thousand years of butler service 9. The Fighter Genre - Biography-Drama Notable Cast - Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale Synopsis - A fighter decides it's better to train without his drug addicted brother What I think - Great introduction to Dicky's world. There are tough moments I