Honorable Mention: Captain America Genre - Action Adventure Notable Cast - Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving Synopsis - Determined to join the military, Steve Rogers agrees to a procedure which maximizes human potential. He then faces off against Germany's Hydra and Red Skull. What I think - Chris Evans was great, especially after his turns in Push and as the Human Torch. Red Skull gets taken care of fairly anticlimactically. When Rogers wakes up in current day, it's a fun short ride. When his friend Bucky gets killed we are supposed to feel something. Basically beyond CA, there needed to be more development. Interesting fact - They CGI'd the body of Steve Rogers until he becomes CA How much did this movie make - $1.03 to everyone in Vietnam, Russia and Japan 80. Immortals Genre - Action-Fantasy Notable Cast - Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, John Hurt Synopsis - King Hyperion searches for a weapon that will free the Titans and enable them to overpower