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Shaken, Not Stirred: Ranking The Bond Movies - #14. For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only
First Bond to be based on one of Fleming's short stories. Top 3 Moore Bond for sure in my opinion but it is ranked #2 here. I would argue Moonraker, Octopussy, and Live are roughly on the same level, and I think For Your Eyes Only and The Spy Who Loved Me are the best of Roger Moore. Moore does agree with that opinion that the two were his favorite and also the best ones he did. It's the winter Olympics Bond. Moments definitely stand out like the ending lair being high up on a scalable mountain that James traverses. The beginning scene sees Bond showdown with Blofeld in a helicopter. James finishes him off once and for all and we don't see him again until Spectre. Bond gets attacked in all kinds of events like: hockey, bobsled, ski jump and ski shooting. There is a motorcycle cross country chase The first of 5 Bond movies to be directed by John Glen. It's definitely not his worst outing, with that going to View, but 3 of the next 4 are solid which include the Dalton ones. I keep seeing Julian Glover in everything, from Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Game of Thrones. GOT co-actor Charles Dance joins him for his first role. Carole Bouquet plays Bond girl Melina, who loses her parents and becomes the focus of the plot. They give her plenty to do here, but the romance is lacking with Bond. Not my favorite Bond girl, (that belongs to Barbara Carrera in Never Say Never), but she is plenty charming here. Cassandra Harris was an actual Bond girl having been previously married to Pierce Brosnan. Only Bond movie without M. "Bond, James Bond" gets said twice. A stuntman died during the bobsled chase. It has a much more serious tone than Moonraker, hockey fight not included. The movie saved United Artists before the studio joined with MGM.

Movie IMDB     Rot. Tom. Rot. Tom. Aud. 2012 Rank 2024 Rank
14. For Your Eyes Only 6.7 69% 64% 21 9
15. On Her Majesty's Secret Service 6.7 81% 64% 24 15
16. Moonraker 6.2 60% 43% 5 14
17. Live and Let Die 6.7 67% 64% 16 20
18. Octopussy 6.5 42% 47% 12 11
19. The Man with the Golden Gun 6.7 42% 55% 7 26
20. Quantum of Solace 6.5 64% 58% 18 23
21. The World Is Not Enough 6.4 51% 49% 8 25
22. Never Say Never Again 6.1 71% 37% 17 18
23. A View to Kill 6.3 37% 40% 9 21
24. Tomorrow Never Dies 6.5 57% 53% 20 22
25. Diamonds are Forever 6.5 64% 57% 23 24
26. Die Another Day 6.1 55% 41% 22 19


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