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Shaken, Not Stirred: Ranking The Bond Movies - #24. Tomorrow Never Dies

Tomorrow Never Dies
It's a Golden Eye hangover. I'm a big Jonathan Pryce fan after Pirates, Game of Thrones, GI-Joe, but as a villain he must be one of the least threatening if not thee least imposing big bad. Maybe because he is the only one that has a spouse, even though he kills her. The plot doesn't make sense in this day in age of 2024 but even at the time, newspapers as the macguffin just seems poor at best. Starting WW3 is pretty common as are stealth ships but to try and control the situation after that makes almost zero sense. Teri Hatcher seems like a decent Bond girl despite being pregnant and almost having nothing to do here. She makes up for whatever lack of chemistry was happening between Michelle Yeoh and Brosnan. The Halo jump is awesome, but then all the wind (no pun) gets taken out of it when Yeoh just shows up underwater. I do really like the remote controlled car and the action scenes like the motorcycle chase are actually quite entertaining. The train man Vincent Schiavelli in Ghost shows here as a murderous, almost played for humor mid baddie. Anthony Hopkins was supposed to play Carver but took Martin Campbell with him to go do Zorro instead. Gerard Butler shows up here in an early role. One of the shortest Bond movies coming in under 2 hours next to Diamonds Are Forver and Quantum of Solace, which are also two of the worst.

Movie IMDB   Rot Tom Rot Tom Aud 2012 Rank My Rank
24. Tomorrow Never Dies 6.5 57% 53% 20 22
25. Diamonds are Forever 6.5 64% 57% 23 24
26. Die Another Day 6.1 55% 41% 22 19


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