Here is Part 1 . Lets start this off with a couple of creatures that didn't make the cut and I'll finish by going through the Planeswalkers. Good 7 Drops, but... These are all really powerful cards, but at 7 mana it was kind of hard to justify adding them next to the powerful 1 and 2 drops that we have. They do deserve a mention though. The Whale has a very white flavor but with Islandwalk instead of Flying. The Sphinx is downright nasty in a flying deck. It can easily win a game of Limited, though not a Commander. The Horde costs one less than Scaled Wurm , let that sink in. The Color Hosers: Sideboard options, but in Limited they are powerful enough to justifiably be included. They are all nice weenie creatures which can have a board presence even when not matched with their optimal colors. I love all three of these, I would just never main deck them. Intimidate is better than First Strike, and exiling creatures is better than having hexproof which makes the...